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Lesson details

Working in the hospitality industry takes a toll on the body. At the end of a long shift on your feet, it’s important to let your body know it’s time to relax. Looking after your body and responding to its needs will prevent injury in the long term and help you maintain a long and prosperous career.

Leandra Rouse is a personal trainer and nutritionist who focuses on workplace health and safety. In this online lesson, she shows you easy stretches to help you relax your body after a long shift.

What you'll learn in the Post-shift stretching exercises lesson

  • Static stretches to help your muscles wind down
  • How to stretch and relax the muscles that received the most strain during your shift

Who the Exercise tips for hospitality workers course is for

Hospitality workers, it’s time to look out for number one! Get the skills you need to take your career to the next level.


Leandra Rouse

Leandra Rouse is a culinary nutritionist, workplace wellness consultant and fitness expert. She develops unique health programs for individuals and companies.

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