Hospitality courses & training online. Earn hospitality badges with Typsy.
Typsy has over 1800 lessons in a growing online video library and it's all contained on a purpose-built platform.
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Typsy is loved by beginners and hospitality experts from every corner of the globe.
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Whatever your situation - whether you are looking for work or already work in the hospitality industry - Typsy has courses and lessons to help support your growth.

The best way to learn hospitality skills online
Learning with Typsy is fun and inspiring. Earn badges for completed courses, build your confidence and your profile, and skill up.
Watch on-demand video courses from hundreds of hospitality industry experts. New courses are added every month.
Earn industry-endorsed certificates that are recognized by hospitality employers around the world.
As you learn, your micro-credentials map to your profile which you can easily share with employers.


Watch on-demand video courses from hundreds of hospitality industry experts. New courses are added every month.

Earn industry-endorsed certificates that are recognized by hospitality employers around the world.

As you learn, your micro-credentials map to your profile which you can easily share with employers.
Hospitality courses for every job role
How it works
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Login and discover courses to strengthen your skills and help you succeed.
Earn digital badges
Receive a certificate for every completed course that you can share with your professional network.