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Lesson details

Part of what separates a good banquet from an amazing banquet is a well-managed service timeline. When you get it right, guests get to experience seamless service. When you get it wrong, a whole range of problems can start to appear.

In this lesson on the banqueting timeline of service, Thomas Boucourt walks you through key steps in a service sequence, so you can feel prepared and in control of your banquet service timeline.

What you'll learn in this lesson on Banqueting timeline of service

  • How to identify the service timeline for banqueting
  • A brief outline of each step in the service sequence
  • How to adhere to each step

Who the Banqueting service course is for

This online course is aimed at front of house staff interested in banquets and banqueting service.


Thomas Boucourt

Thomas Boucourt is a Senior practical arts lecturer with a passion for teaching exceptional service techniques to emerging industry leaders.

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