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Lesson details

Potential guests don't just use reviews to reflect on their experience with you - they also use them to figure out if you're worth their time and money. So if they see multiple comments highlighting the same issue, it can do serious damage to your business' reputation.

Luckily, you can avoid this by taking action when issues are brought to your attention! In this online lesson about Actioning review feedback, Daniel Craig will explain how to action feedback you receive in reviews.

What you'll learn in the Actioning review feedback lesson

  • Why it's important to action feedback from online reviews
  • Five steps to help you implement that feedback

Who the Online reputation management course is for

The Online reputation management online course is aimed at hospitality managers, owner-operators, and marketing professionals.


Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig is a former hotelier and marketing executive, helping hospitality businesses manage and improve their online reputations for over 15 years.

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