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Lesson details

You’ve probably heard the advice to ‘think positively’ a lot of times. You’ve probably even given someone that advice yourself! But is that always the best approach? In this lesson, Michael Sherman challenges you to think about the idea of positivity, and how you can change your thinking pattern to get a more effective outcome.

What you’ll learn in the Thinking effectively to strengthen resilience lesson

  • Positivity is not the same thing as resilience
  • Understand the difference between effective and ineffective thinking
  • How to apply an effective thinking process to any situation to strengthen resilience

Who the Strengthening resilience course is for

This online course is aimed at established and aspiring leaders looking to strengthen personal and professional resilience and set an example for others.


Michael Sherman

Michael Sherman is a Performance and resilience expert. He is passionate about helping people perform to the best of their ability and learn from setbacks.

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