Lesson details
Learning jargon is part and parcel of mastering any topic. Jargon doesn't just help you navigate conversations with experts and enthusiasts, it gives your voice authority on the topic as well! So if you want to become an expert in all things hoppy and bitter, getting your head around beer terminology is essential.
Servers and bartenders, it's time to nail the skills (and the acronyms) you need.
Kirrily Waldhorn is here to help you up your game! As a beer judge, advocate, consultant, writer and occasional brewer, she's got the language of beer down pat!
What you'll learn in the Beer terminology and acronyms lesson
- Beer terminology you need to be familiar with
- Beer acronyms and their meanings: ABV, IBU, APA, IPA, DIPA, ESP, RIS
Who the Beer basics course is for
Servers and bartenders, brush up on your beer knowledge with help from our expert!