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Lesson details

By the time food products reach your workplace, they've gone through a huge journey. They may have traveled across the country, or even around the world! And unfortunately, during that journey lots can go wrong - incorrect temperatures or mishandling, just to name a few. So when you receive deliveries, you need to make sure the food has been properly handled and it's safe to serve.

In this online lesson about receiving deliveries in food retail, Sylvia Anderson will explain the key things to look for, and implement, when you first receive a shipment of food products.

What you'll learn in the Receiving deliveries in food retail lesson

  • How to safely receive food products

Who the Handling food safely in retail course is for

The Handling food safely in retail online course is aimed at any retail staff who handle, prepare, or serve food products.


Sylvia Anderson

Sylvia Anderson is a food hygiene expert, and founder of Sylvia A Consultancy.

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