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Lesson details

Failure doesn't feel good for anyone, but it is an absolutely essential part of the creative process. Without failure, we couldn't learn or grow - and without learning, there is no creativity. When we realize this, and truly embrace failure, we can start to see failure as a positive, nurturing creative opportunity.

In this lesson, you'll learn how to adjust your relationship with failure and build healthy habits for future success.

What you'll learn in the Using creativity to bounce back from failure lesson

  • How to redefine failure as a condition for success
  • Strategies for setting healthy and useful failure parameters
  • How failure can help you develop habitual success

Who the Problem solving and creative thinking course is for

This online course is aimed at hospitality leaders, or aspiring leaders, who are interested in individual and team professional development.


Ioannis Pantelidis

Dr. Ioannis Pantelidis is an extensively experienced consultant and teacher within the hospitality industry

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