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Lesson details

In a commercial setting, you’ll come across a variety of stained and soiled fabrics. Food, grass, wine - you name it, you’ll need to know how to clean it. But not all stains can be fixed the same way! So in this lesson, Juliana Kyalo will show you typical cleaning agents, their main uses, as well as some handy techniques to ensure linens come out good as new.

What you'll learn in the Types of cleaning agents lesson

  • Seven common cleaning agents and their uses
  • Four top tips for getting the most out of cleaning agents

Who the Laundry operations course is for

This online course is aimed at new and aspiring hotel laundry attendants looking to get ahead in the world of hotel laundry operations. 


Dr. Juliana Kyalo

Dr Juliana Kyalo is a certified hospitality educator with a passion for guiding future entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry.

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