Priya Bates

Strategic Communication Consultant

Priya Bates

Priya Bates

Strategic Communication Consultant

Priya Bates is a Toronto-based Strategic Communications Consultant, and President of Inner Strength Communication. For over 30 years, Priya has honed her expertise as an communication professional, working with large organizations to improve communication and navigate change.

After beginning her career with a focus on public relations and customer communication, Priya realized there was an enormous opportunity to help organizations strengthen from the inside out - all through the power of effective communication. To achieve that goal, she founded Inner Strength Communication, which helps organizations enable, engage, and empower their people to manage change and deliver great outcomes.

Priya believes that communication has the power to connect people and build trust. It turns values into behaviors, strategies into actions, and promises into experiences. She has dedicated her career to making sure that all workers feel supported, proud, and purposeful.