Lesson details

Have you ever wondered why, upon receiving a promotion, you might experience self-doubt and question whether you're the right person for the job? That's your imposter syndrome speaking!

In this online lesson about imposter syndrome, Orianne Gambino will explain what imposter syndrome is and how it can affect you and your team.

What you'll learn in this lesson, Overcoming imposter syndrome in time of change

  • What imposter syndrome is
  • How imposter syndrome manifests
  • The effects of imposter syndrome on you and those around you
  • What you can do to overcome imposter syndrome


Content created by Orianne Gambino.

Orianne Gambino is a leadership and mindset coach. Orianne believes an improved mindset empowers leaders to play bigger and thrive in times of change. She works closely with executives and business owners, to develop their leadership skills, improve their self-confidence and overall mindset. Orianne owns a newsletter called The Simple Mind where she shares weekly tools and concepts to help self-doubters and overthinkers simplify their mind.

You can connect with Orianne on LinkedIn and on her website.


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